is outcross breeding...?
at four weeks of age, Blasco's Batman Bordeaux is a 1/2 Johnson American
Bulldog (Blasco's Kay Bella of A&B), and 1/2 Dogue de Bordeaux (Massive
Mugsy) Bandogge.
Batman is highly intelligent, calm, careful and thoughtful. He is not
predisposed to heavy dog aggression, lacking some of the sharper drives
of his Johnson American Bulldog mother, Bella. (Though Batman surely
doesn't back down, he'll stand his ground when threatened, thoroughly
passing all his adult courage and temperament tests!)
breeding, or outbreeding (often
loosely called hybrid breeding) is technically the mating of
animals of two different breeds of the same species, but is also a term
of common usage, describing animals of the same breed, but divergent
bloodlines being bred together. Hybrid
on the other hand, actually breeds together animals of different species,
such as dogs and wolves, rather than one type of dog to another,
but is also a term of common usage, describing two distinctive
breeds of the same species being bred together. Batman is an outcross
dog, offspring of an outcross breeding between two excellent, healthy,
dual registered dogs, but dogs of different breeds. He displays
hybrid vigor, or heterosis (1),
so you could take your pick on whether to call him an outcross or a
hybrid, either would fit the common usage of the two terms.
would a breeder of purebred dogs outcross breed or outbreed?
an F1
hybrid, Batman has a far lower COI
(Coefficient of Inbreeding) than a pure American Bulldog
Because of heterosis, Batman can be expected to be healthier and have
a longer life than than either of his parents, (who are also both very
healthy, highly active dogs in their own right), and to transmit many
of those qualities to his offspring, and they to theirs (3).
Furthermore, when Batman is bred back to the right American Bulldog
girls, most of his puppies will recapture those American Bulldog drives
many of us prefer, while still having a far lower COI, and being
far healthier than most purebred American Bulldogs or Dogue de Bordeaux.
Phenotypical Observation of a Genotypical
Heterosis Summons "Good Genes" Upward While Pushing "Bad
Genes" Downward
note of Batman's visual
phenotype (the genetic material
you can actually see - the look of the dog) (4).
He looks very little like his mother, Bella, and also very little like
his father, Mugsy. In conscientious outcross breeding we breed together
two very high quality, disease-free aninals of different breeds. As
a result, the more species
enabling recessive genes (the good
genes) shared within the all encompassing broader
genotype of both the mother and
father, combine to become dominant
genes in the offspring
(5). This is why Batman displays
his own phenotype, that more similar to the ancient Mastiffs that
both the American Bulldog and Dogue de Bordeaux breeds come from (6).
Further, because nature favors the enablement of species, both the good
recessive and good dominant genes shared between both parents, tend
to combine in greater number in the offspring. This makes the more
dominant good recessive as well as the good dominant genes even more
dominant, an action sometimes altogether displacing the far more
recessive bad genes, and at least consistently pushing them further
away from the resultant offspring's phenotype, making the "bad
genes" more recessive, as "good genes" shared
by both parents are combined and pushed upward into the phenotype
is why, if a breeder of brachycephalic
dogs, such as my American Bulldogs, wishes to maintain a brachycephalic
head type, it is essentially never seen in the F1, even when
both parents are brachycephalic, but must be purposefully bred for after
the initial outcross breeding. The brachycephalic head type is a trait
less enabling of species than the somewhat longer nose and flatter
head that provides a dog greater olfactory.
This is also why hunter breeders, typified by hog hunters throughout
the United States, who perform regular and repeated outcross breedings
- Curr to Great Dane, to Catahoula, to Bulldog, back to Curr, and similar,
tend to be so very successful in doing it. In their manipulation,
they prioritize hunting traits within the phenotype they breed for -
better nose, longer ranging, higher speed and agility, greater tenacity,
which are all traits that for dogs, better enable species, and
thus tend to combine in the offspring more readily. The same holds true
as to why dogs primarily white in color, are observed in F1s
so much less often than colored dogs when breeding a white parent to
a colored parent. White, for a dog, is less enabling of species
than the colors that allow a dog to be camouflaged with the natural
hunting environment. As such, a breeder must specifically favor the
breeding of white dogs in order to consistently get white dogs, because
the trait most naturally enabling of the dog's species is a camouflaging
color, while the trait that most naturally enables the human hunter
who uses dogs, is a lighter colored dog that is easier to see.
many kennel clubs greatly disparage, and even in some cases discipline
the practice of outcross breeding, believing purebred dogs are consistently
far superior to outcrossed dogs. The opposite is in fact the scientific
reality. Repeated case controlled studies have consistently proven,
that outcrossed dogs are consistently superior in every metric that
can be measured but one: The consistent look of the mass produced
market product known as the purebred dog (8)
(9) (10).
breeding is an important tool used by knowledgeable breeders to expand
gene pools, lower the incidence of inherited disease, boost immune system
function (raising resistance to bacterial and viral infections), to
dramatically enhance reproductive functions, and to provide for superior
life energy, higher performance and greater longevity within bloodlines
Today many dog breeders simply do not understand this. Touting a 1950s
understanding of commercial livestock breeding, modern
dog breeders often rely on extensive - even exclusive in-line
breeding practices, in-line
breeding itself being a type of inbreeding
Interestingly, while the livestock industries once believed strongly
in repeated in-line breeding, around the mid-1980s changes began to
take place in their practices, better reflecting more up-to-date
genetic research. Today, nearly every egg or piece of meat you eat,
and most every cup of milk you drink, comes from
far healthier and dramatically more productive outcrossed, crossbred
or hybrid animals (12).
Outcross Today - Pros and Cons
Batman at 14 months or so with Kat. Batman is extra sweet and
gentle, having endless patience with kids, puppies and other dogs. He's
just under 100 pounds here, but admittedly I haven't weighed him recently.
He's a good sized guy - not a giant, but certainly plenty big
enough to do protection work - though with Batman, it will require the
typical training that is NOT typically required with my straight American
Bulldogs, just because he's such a sweet and gentle boy.
worth mentioning that Batman, bred to American Bulldogs does throw a
lot of brindle into his puppies, but he also throws a few white based
dogs when bred to white females as well - and all his puppies are
very drivey. That's an important issue in this particular case study.
Batman is very much not a drivey dog - (drivey, having a noted
proactive drive to aggressively protect), but exibits the more Mastiff
type temperament in his somewhat overly calm and quiet demeanor, and
slower maturation. I'm not attracted to that myself. I want protection
bred dogs to be natuarally dominant and territorial,- drivey.
And, I want a dog to mature into its working capacity in well under
two years, just to get the most use out of the dog. That's not who Batman
is, however, and it is almost never what an F1 Bandogge is. It's been
known for many hundreds of years that the most successful Bandogge mixes
are 60% to 75% Bulldog and 25% to 40% Mastiff (depending upon the characteristics
of the dogs used, and the desired final product), and for these very
reasons - sharper temperaments, faster maturation and more consistent
NKC 7/8 Rule
Consistency in Offspring
is an AWESOME breeding dog, producing large, very correct dogs with
temperaments every bit as sharp as straight American Bulldogs. Further,
Batman's puppies when bred to an American Bulldog are then 3/4 American
Bulldog. The puppies that Batman's puppies produce, when bred to 100%
pure American Bulldogs, do then meet the NKC
7/8 Rule for purebred registry as American Bulldogs.
That is, Batman's grand kids - assuming he and his puppies are only
bred to pure American Bulldogs, ARE THEN American Bulldogs themselves,
while still providing higher COI and a host of other very positive
health and life energy characteristics.
Final Note for the Nay Sayers
NKC 7/8 Rule has detractors, who believe that purebred breeds of dogs
should not be tampered with, and that a 7/8 dog is not a purebred dog.
You're wrong. That which defines a breed is the phenotype you select
for as a breeder, and it is the phenotype that defines one breed of
dog from another, not the genotype. This widespread knowledge deficit
fails to take into account the fact that outcross
breeding is the only method that successfully combats inbreeding
depression in a breed. There are purist breeders
just tearing their hair out over this article right now. Fair enough,
but before sending me the angry emails, re-read the article,
take time to pursue the citations - learn about heterosis, inbreeding
depression and COI. We have issues in the more popular lines of
American Bulldogs that are very easy to amend - issues clearly caused
by an ever contracting
gene pool. Outcross breeding corrects things like
that, and it is very much a legitimate part of proper professional animal
husbandry in every other area of species and sub-species management.
always makes me shake my head in wonder when I come across other breeder's
websites talking about how the English Bulldog was destroyed, and then
on the very same sites, bragging about their own continuous in-line
breeding, the very thing that destroyed the English Bulldog!. Study
up on the terms mentioned and pack a lunch before emailing me on this
topic; we're going to have a friendly debate, there is endless research
and examples I can cite, and I'm going to win. Or, better yet,
toss the out-dated dogma
of continuous in-line breeding to the ash heap, bring in outcross
sires, and see your program surge forward in leaps and bounds. Use the
7/8 rule intelligently, to build your breed, rather than trying
to only replicate the better specimens in an ever shrinking gene pools.
Furthermore, you can and should still practice limited, responsible
inbreeding, so it's not like your previous work was wasted. Most scientifically
based commercial outcross breeding schemes actually begin with inbred
specimens (7),
but that's another chapter, soon to come...
left, some Batman puppies, excellent structure and health, great size,
colors well within standard, and refined, easy-to-train, yet drivey-as-hell
American Bulldog temperaments...

Glossary of Terms:
Note: Terms are defined in order
of use, not alphabetically. Definitions are at times shortened, or lengthened
and paraphrased from collegiate dictionaries, and dictionaries of medical
and genetics terminology, and in other cases two or more definitions
knit together to give a more complete understanding. In all cases definitions
are focused on the usage of the term herein, and are fully correct and
complete for their use herein. For further definitions, interested researchers
should avail themselves of such materials for their own libraries. It's
an unfortunate truth that some reference materials simply are not available

Any distinct Mastiff breed of dog bred to any other distinct breed
of dog, whether of mastiff-type or another type, and any and all crosses
between such progeny. Most common and well known in modern times is
the breeding of Mastiffs, such as the Neapolitan and English Mastiffs
with Pitbulls. Such breedings, however, are not the exclusive, nor the
more historical method of Bandogge breeding. There are many different
breeds of mastiff-type dogs, from English and Neapolitan Mastiffs, to
South African Boerboels, Cane Corsos, Dogue de Bordeaux, and others.
Any breeding between any such distict mastiff breeds constitutes a Bandogge
breeding. Any breeding between any such distnct mastiff-type breeds
and any other breed of dog, of any type or breed also constitutes a
Bandogge breeding. For example, a Pitbull bred to a Neapolitan Mastiff
is a Bandogge, but so also is a German Shepherd bred to an English Mastiff,
a Cane Corse bred to a Boerboel, a Presa Canario bred to a Bloodhound,
a Jack Russell Terrier bred to a Dogue de Bordeaux, and so forth. Bandogges
are historically, and usually to this day, bred for some type of guarding
or protection, and may or may not also have a hunting application. To
learn more about Bandogges and the heritage of the Mastiffs and mastiff-type
dogs, I'll recommend my own article here: What Is a Bandogge or Bandog
and Why Should We Breed Them...?
Outbreeding: Outbreeding or
outcross breeding is the mating or breeding of distantly related or
entirely unrelated individuals within a species, such as breeding one
breed of chicken to another breed of chicken, one breed of cow to another
breed of cow, or one breed of dog to another breed of dog. Outbreeding
often produces offspring of superior quality because it increases homozygosity
(the occurrence of two alleles for the same trait at corresponding positions
on homologous chromosomes), thereby sharply reducing the risk of deleterious
recessive genes being expressed. Crossbreeding is the most common form
of outbreeding.
Hybrid Breeding: The offspring
of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species,
or genera, especially as produced through human manipulation for
specific genetic characteristics. Used technically in biology, hybrid
breeding refers to the breeding together of two different species, such
as a cow to buffalo, or a dog to a wolf or a jackal. Used loosely, the
term sometimes also refers (incorrectly) to outbreeding or outcross
breeding - the breeding of two distinct breeds within a single species
- distinct dog breed "A" to distinct dog breed "B"
- distinct breed of chicken "A" to distinct breed of chicken
"B" and so forth. While it is true that some hybrid
breedings do produce progeny that cannot breed (donkey to horse breedings
producing mules), this is not a defining characteristic of the term
hybrid, i.e. the majority of hybrids can in fact be bred,
both to each other (hybrid to hybrid) and also back to the progenitor
breeds, and also to still other distinct breeds.

F1 Hybrid: Crop or strain variety,
characterized by unusual vigor and uniformity, produced by crossing
two selected inbred lines. F1 hybrid is a term used in genetics and
selective breeding. F1 stands for Filial 1, the first filial generation
seeds/plants or animal offspring resulting from a cross mating of distinctly
different parental types. The offspring of distinctly different parental
types produce a new, and uniform variety with specific characteristics
from either or both parents. In plant and animal genetics, those parents
usually are two inbred lines.
Heterosis: Heterosis,
hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the objectively
improved or increased function of any biological quality in hybrid offspring,
such as overall size of the organism, its resistance to disease, its
lack of inherited defects, its reproductive functions, etc. Good examples
are chickens laying larger eggs and more of them, chickens, cows, pigs
and other meat livestock producing more lean muscle mass and reaching
slaughter weights faster, and cows producing more milk, all while being
far healthier than the progenitor breeds - both genetically (an absense
of inherited defects) and insofaras their resistance to disease (bacterial/virus
infection). Notably, whether a breeding is between same species or outside
species (whether distinct dog breed "A' to distinct dog breed "B"
or dog to wolf, dog to jackal, dog to fox, heterosis is still commonly
observed in the offspring, and is typically observed at a rate coorelated
to how distant the two parents were, (distinct dog breed "A"
to distinct dog breed "B" producing offspring clearly demostrating
heterosis, but dog to wolf demonstrating still more signs of heterosis).
(Coefficient of Inbreeding): The Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
is a measure of the level of inbreeding of an organism. The coefficient
of inbreeding is a statistical value derived from an individual's pedigree
and cannot be verified by looking at the individual's genome. The inbreeding
coefficient (COI) estimates the mathematical probability of receiving
two identical copies of a gene, from an ancestor common to both parents.
Inbreeding coefficients are expressed in percentages, 6.25% COI,
12.5% COI, 25% COI and so forth. A lower COI is considered "safer"
and less likely that offspring will exhibit inherited disorders.
To put it in perspective, parent to offspring and sibling to sibling
inbreeding both represent a 25% COI. Grandparent to grandchild and half
sibling to half sibling both represent a 12.5% COI. Great grandparent
to great grandchild and first cousin to first cousin represents a 6.25%
COI. Understand, all dogs are inbreed to some degree (that is how breeds
are formed), but they will vary in how many generations it takes before
the common ancestors appear in the pedigree, which affects COI. However,
also impacting COI is how many different dogs were used in developing
a breed. You may have a six or eight generation pedigree that shows
no common ancestors at all, and so, the COI would seem to be very low.
Yet when you look at the ten generation pedigree (or further back),
you may realize that all the dogs on your dog's pedigree are actually
progeny from only three dogs, thus significantly raising the true
COI. English Mastiffs in England for instance were almost entirely
extinct after WWII, and were "brought back" using only a fraction
of the dogs that once existed. As such, a modern five generation pedigree
for an English Mastiff may well have all different names in every spot,
suggesting very low COI, but in reality, the breed was "brought
back" arguably with only six dogs, making the COI higher than the
shorter pedigrees would suggest. While breeders will often use a five
generation pedigree to calculate COI, a ten generation pedigree provides
far greater accuracy. However, as explained, COI calculations do not
account for how many, or how few dogs were used to develope a breed.
If a breed was developed using only three dogs for instance, 100 years
later (assuming exclusive purebred breeding), the tens of thousands
of dogs that may come from those three dogs are still only carrying
the genetic material of those three dogs. All things being equal, the
lower the COI, the more health-conscious the breeding, and the higher
the COI, the more likely offspring will display defective traits. An
F1 Outcross breeding between two dogs of different distinct breeds lowers
COI to ZERO% in the resultant puppies.

Phenotype: The observable physical or biochemical characteristics
of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental
influences. The expression of a specific trait, such as stature
or blood type, based on both genetic and environmental influences. In
short, the phenotype of a dog is what you can see and measure - its
color, structural type and measurements, its senses, drives and temperament
- all that makes that dog, that particular dog. As opposed to
genotype, phenotype are the expressed genes and their response to
environment, and genotype are ALL of the genes the animal carries,
whether expressed in the phenotype or not. However, therein lays a somewhat
mysterious complexity...
The relationship between genotype
and environment is a dynamic relationship, and it is this relationship
that makes up the phenotype, not simply what genes are expressed,
but how those genes have responded to environmental factors. Example:
Two male dogs, cloned and thus fully identicle, are born in the winter
in Colorado. At six weeks of age, one puppy is sent outside to live
on a large yard with his mother and siblings, while the other is a favorite
of the kids and kept inside. Months pass and soon, they are two very
different dogs in almost every respect. While their expressed genes
are exactly the same, their phenotype is different. The dog sent outside
has more muscle mass and is significantly larger. Shivering in the cold
is an isometric exercise. It made the muscles stronger and caused the
dog to also eat more food, making him grow. That growth provides a physiological
framework for further growth, allowing that the outside dog even as
an adult will still likely be physically larger and stronger than the
inside dog. So then, in dogs that are not cloned, but only appear to
be identicle, what portion of the differences between the two dogs
is different genes, and what portion is the same genes exposed to different
environmental factors? Answer: Within the constraint's of
today's genetic science, there's just no way to know, but this
reality is most correctly expressed by a formula: Genotype (G) + Environment
(E) + Genotype & Environment Interactions (GE) = Phenotype (P),
and generally speaking, phenotype is used to describe the expressed
genes that make an individual, that which we can see and/or measure:
Height, weight, color, temperament, senses, etc.
Genes: Genes that produce their characteristic phenotype only when
its allele is identical, such as the recessive gene for blue eyes in
which both parents must be a carrier, but not necessarily actually having
blue eyes themselves; or in dogs, hip dysplasia, in which two carriers
that are free of the disease themselves, still commonly produce offspring
that do display the disease.
The entire set of genes in an organism, both seen and/or quantifiable
(phenotype) and not seen and/or quantifiable, but still nonetheless
resident in the organism. The genotype determines the hereditary potentials
and limitations of an individual. Among organisms that reproduce sexually,
an individual's genotype comprises the entire complex of genes inherited
from both parents, those seen and/or quantifiable, and those not seen
and/or quantifiable.

Genes: Genes that produce the same phenotype in an
organism whether or not its allele is identical. A genetic trait is
considered dominant if it is expressed in an organism that has only
one copy of that gene. A dominant trait is opposed to a recessive trait
which is expressed only when two copies of the gene are present. Example:
If a person has one gene for blue eyes and one for brown, that person
will always have brown eyes because the gene for brown eyes is
a dominant gene. For a person to have blue eyes, both genes for eye
color must be blue, because the gene for blue eyes is a recessive gene.
In reference to dogs, having a head with much greater skull than
nasal cavity. English Bulldogs, American Bulldogs and Bullmastiffs all
have a brachycephalic head type (skull much longer than nasal cavity),
while Collies have a dolichocephalic head type (much longer nasal cavity
than skull), and Beagles and Labradors have a mesaticephalic head type
(skull and nasal cavity of roughly equal length). Dogs with a brachycephalic
head type rarely have good olfactory, and commonly have breathing problems
which cause or exacerbate other health concerns.
Of or pertaining to the sense of smell. Poor olfactory is synonymous
with poor sense of smell.
Breeding: An American term contrived between 1875 and 1880 by breeders
of animals seeking to distinguish between different types of inbreeding,
claiming that inbreeding is parent/child and sibling/sibling breedings,
while inline breeding is the breeding of otherwise related offspring
to a superior ancestor, seeking to promulgate that ancestor's genes,
but not actually inbreeding. In biology, no such distinction
exists. Inline breeding is not only inbreeding, but repetitive inbreeding.
It is a mathematical certainty that many cases of breeding cousins to
cousins, or aunt/uncle to niece/nephew, or grandparent to grandchild
results in offspring more closely related than siblings, which
are then still typically bred together in inline breeding schemes. Inline
breeding and other forms of inbreeding do have legitimate use in professional
animal husbandry, but always results in a contracting gene pool,
often leading to inbreeding depression.

Inbreeding: Contrary to popular opinion which tends to believe that
inbreeding means parent to child or sibling to sibling breedings, to
be inbred, a dog must have only one (or more) common ancestors on both
sides of the pedigree. That is, a dog has two parents, four grandparents,
eight great grandparents and sixteen great great grandparents, and if
any one name appears twice anywhere in that pedigree, the dog is technically
an inbred animal. Inbreeding is not bad in and of itself. It is where
we get dogs and other animals of distinctive type and breed, and it
serves modern day breeding purposes in cementing desired traits between
relatives into bloodlines. Without inbreeding, you would have no idea
if a cow to-be-born was going to be a better mother or a better forager,
what size she would be, what her average lifetime milk production might
be, or heraproximate meat to feed ratio. Without inbreeding there would
be no distinct types and breeds of any species. Inbreeding is also commonplace
in nature. Inbreeding is used in animal husbandry, and to great
success when used knowledgeably and conscientiously, balancing the pros
and cons of breeding schemes that include both inbreeding and outcross
breeding. However, two same names in a pedigree does constitute inbreeding,
and as such, all forms of purposeful in-line breeding are in fact the
practice of inbreeding.

7/8 Rule: As of September 22, 2003, NKC (National Kennel Club) will
only register dogs that meet the 7/8 purity requirement. While the rule
has detractors, it provides breeders a tool by which to improve and/or
maintain the good health of bloodlines through outcross breeding. A
dog which is 7/8 of a certain breed is considered a purebred dog of
that breed. The NKC 7/8 Rule has detractors, most typically found in
the pet animal breeding community. The layman researcher should therefore
understand, The National Kennel Club did not invent this rule. The rule
is reflective of long known and thoroughly established genetic science,
applicable to all organisms from sweet peas, to roses, to farmed fish,
to chickens, cows, pigs, etc. In all cases, it is a fundamental axiom
of modern day genetic science that any sample organism containing a
purity of 7/8 genetic material from any distinctive species, sub-species,
breed, bloodline or strain, is a "purebred" specimen of that
distinctive species, sub-species, breed, bloodline or strain.

Inbreeding Depression: Inbreeding depression occurs when related
parents produce progeny with traits that negatively influence their
fitness, largely due to homozygosity (both parents having the same "bad
genes," or genes which may negatively influence fitness). Example
charateristics of inbreeding depression: Reduced fertility both
in litter size and sperm viability, increased genetic disorders, lower
birth rate, smaller adult size, and loss of immune system function (in
dogs often observable as greater incidence of skin disorders, food sensitivities
and various cancers).
Gene Pool: A gene pool is the totality of genetic information in
a species or sub-species, such as dogs in general of all breeds (species),
or a specific breed of dog (sub-species). Gene pools vary in size and
can grow and shrink. A gene pool grows when genetic material from outside
the gene pool is introduced, such as in outcross breeding when one distinct
breed of dog is bred to another distinct breed of dog. A gene pool shrinks
or contracts when only relatives are being bred and those relationships
are becoming closer and closer with each generation of breeding, and
an allele is lost, or dies out. When a gene pool contracts too much,
a species or sub-species is threatened with extinction via ever more
prevalent characteristics of inbreeding depression, and inherited defective
traits being multiplied exponentially. Mathematically this happens slowly
at first, with few negative impacts and ever more consistent offspring,
promoting the belief in many breeders that these destructive breeding
protocols in common usage are actually successful. However, when
the tipping point is reached, it results in a sudden downhill slide
to complete breed failure, in which all new specimens are so negatively
impacted as to have killed off the breed, or changed it so negatively
as to make it an altogether different breed. Example: The
English Bulldog, less than 200 years ago was still commonly a working
breed, and today it is a breed with some of the highest prevalence of
genetic defects of all dog breeds throughout the world, with no specimens
remaining suitable for the breed's previous utilitarian uses. While
it is still called an English Bulldog, the English Bulldog mid-19th
century and the English Bulldog mid-20th century and today are, for
any practical purpose, two entirely different breeds of dog, the former
long dead, the modern busy dying.
An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion,
especially one considered to be absolutely true, but which really
may not be. Examples: 1) In ancient Egypt it was a dogma that
royal women carried the bloodline. As such, it was common for Pharaohs
to marry their sisters, in order to produce pureblood princes. King
Tutankhamun, i.e. King Tut, was deformed, diseased, inbred and fathered
at least two stillborn daughters, he and his daughters victims of the
false dogma that inbreeding promotes superior progeny. 2) Among
many modern dog breeders a similar belief exists and is epidomized in
the statement, "tight is right" in reference to continuous
inline breeding, with the commonly held and erroneous belief that less
desireable traits are being bred away, more often than multiplied in
resultant offspring. While it is true that there are some examples of
controlled inbreeding and culling which do remove or lessen the incidence
of certain inherited disorders, on the whole the opposite is more readily
evident in increased rates of cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, skin
conditions, food allergies, smaller litters, higher and earlier rates
or mortality, and smaller sized specimens in many breeds, most typically
those with higher COI scores.


(1) If Dogs Could Talk by Vilmos
Csányi; First American Edition, translated by Richard
E. Quandt ed., New York: North Point Press, 2005; ISBN 978-0865476868

(2) A Beginner's Guide to COI
by Jemima Harrison; Dog Breed Health, A Guide to Health Issues for All
Dog Breeds;
(3) Comparative Longevity of
Pet Dogs and Humans: Implications for Gerontology Research by G.J. Patronek,
D.J. Walters, L.T. Glickman, J. Geront; BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 1997, Vol
52A,No.3, B171-B178

(4) The Genotype/Phenotype
Distinction by Richard Lewontin; The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Summer 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), First published Fri Jan
23, 2004; substantive revision Tue Apr 26, 2011
(5) Unraveling the Genetic Basis
of Hybrid Vigor by James A. Birchler, Hong Yao, and Sivanandan Chudalayandi;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U S A., 2006 August
29; 103(35): 1295712958, Published online 2006 August 22;
(6) The Mastiffs - The Big Game
Hunters, Their History, Development and Future; Colonel David Hancock,
MBE; Charwynne Dog Features; ISBN: 0 9527 8012 7
(7) Inbreeding and brood stock
management by Douglas Tave; Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 392. Rome,
FAO. 1999, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
FAO Corporate Document Repository
(8) Some Practical Solutions
to Welfare Problems in Pedigree Dog Breeding by P.D. McGreevy &
W.F. Nicholas; Animal Welfare, 1999, Vol 8

(9) Gender, age, breed and distribution
of morbidity and mortality in insured dogs in Sweden during 1995 and
1996 by A. Egenvall, B.N. Bonnett, P. Olson, Å. Hedhammar; The
Veterinary Record, 29/4/2000

(10) Genetics and the Social
Behavior of the Dog by John Paul Scott, John L. Fuller
(11) Should Crufts Be Banned?
by Beverley Cuddy; The Telegraph, September 15, 2011;

(12) Animal Breeding - Now
and in the Future by E. L. Lasley; Journal of Animal Science;;
Presented at Symposium on Animal Breeding Research Foundations for Tomorrow
at 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, July 29, 1975